Best of Both Flapjacks
If you can digest wheat, it's not necessary to avoid wheat-based products. Rather make your own home-made goodies with better sources of flour because that way you also know what ingredients you're putting in it. Here are two recipes: Wheat-free flapjacks and wheat-based flapjacks.
Wheat-free flapjacks on top and Wheat-based flapjacks at the bottom
Wheat-free flapjacks
1/3 cup rice flour
1/3 cup coconut flour
1/3 cup chickpea flour
1/2 tsp dry ginger powder, optional
1/2 tsp cardamom powder (freshly ground), optional
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup grated/granulated coconut sugar (or sweetener of choice)
1-2 cups water (or as required)
1 Tbsp ghee/ coconut oil
Sift rice flour, coconut flour, chickpea flour and salt.
Add dry ginger powder and cardamom powder, otherwise substitute with vanilla, as I did below in the wheat-based flapjacks.
Add grated/granulated coconut sugar. Mix well.
Add water as required to form a pourable batter.
Before frying, stir ghee/ coconut oil into the batter.
Use a ladle to pour circles onto a non-stick fry pan set on medium heat.
Flip to cook on both sides.
Wheat-based flapjacks
1 cup wheat flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla powder or 1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup grated/granulated coconut sugar (or sweetener of choice)
2/3 cups coconut milk, or milk of choice
1/3 cup water (or as required)
1 Tbsp vinegar
1 Tbsp ghee/coconut oil
Sift flour, baking powder and salt together.
Mix coconut milk and vinegar in a cup and then add to flour mixture.
Add vanilla and sugar.Whisk gently while adding water as required to form a pourable batter.
Before frying, stir ghee/ coconut oil into the batter.Use a ladle to pour circles onto a non-stick fry pan set on medium heat.
Flip to cook on both sides.
If you don’t have the individual flours for the gluten-free version, you can instead use 1 cup of gluten-free flour mix.
If you’re using normal sugar, use much less since it will be much sweeter.
No syrup is required for these since the natural sweetness of the coconut sugar is perfect.